The film “Babygirl,” featuring Nicole Kidman, is an erotic thriller that has garnered significant attention since its release. Directed by Halina Reijn, the movie explores complex themes of desire and power dynamics through the story of a high-powered CEO who embarks on a passionate affair with her much younger intern. As audiences look forward to streaming options for this film, it’s essential to understand the timeline and platforms where it will be available.
Theatrical Release and Initial Availability
“Babygirl” premiered in theaters on December 25, 2024. For those eager to watch it immediately, the only option currently is to visit a local theater. The film is distributed by A24, a company known for its unique and critically acclaimed films. A24 typically follows a structured release pattern that includes theatrical runs followed by digital availability.
Streaming on Max
Given A24’s distribution agreement with Warner Bros. Discovery, “Babygirl” is expected to stream on Max (formerly HBO Max) after its theatrical run. Historically, A24 films have made their way to Max approximately three months after their theatrical debut. Therefore, if “Babygirl” follows this trend, viewers can anticipate it becoming available for streaming around late March 2025.
Digital Rental and Purchase Options
In addition to streaming on Max, “Babygirl” will likely be available for rental or purchase through various video-on-demand platforms such as Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV+, and YouTube shortly after its theatrical release. This means that even if you miss it in theaters or prefer watching from home sooner than its streaming debut on Max, you will have options to rent or buy the film digitally.
To summarize, you can expect to stream “Babygirl” on Max around late March 2025, following its theatrical release and subsequent availability for digital rental or purchase shortly thereafter.
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