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The Prosecutor

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The film opens with Donnie Yen as Fok Chi-ho, a police officer who is struggling with his disillusionment in this role. Having gotten fed up with criminals evading justice, he decides to pursue a career in law to bring effective changes from within the system of law enforcement.

Subtitles & Dubbed Lang : English,Hindi,French,Spanish,German,Italian Multi Language

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“The Prosecutor” has an action piece directed by Takahito Ouchi with Yen himself participating in the action choreography.

At its center, “The Prosecutor” ponders over justice, ethics, and sacrifice. The character of Fok Chi-ho exemplifies struggles between the strict observance of procedural and actual justice at any cost.



The combination of a courtroom drama and action-filled sequences delivers an enjoyable experience that allows audiences to chew on Yen’s physical skills and his willingness to give out a good story.

Plot Overview

The plot of The Prosecutor revolves around the case of a seasoned prosecutor Lee Doo-joon (Portrayed by actor Park Si-hoo) investigating the case of a wealthy businessman. The film opens with the death of a woman under mysterious circumstances. Starting off as an investigation, it finds Lee following ever deeper into a shroud of corruption and injustice which impels him to question the sanity of the very legal system he works for.

While Lee seeks to juggle the drudgeries of the courtroom with those of his turbulent existence, he finds himself at a fatal decision crossroads—a series of moral dilemmas and tug-of-war scenes between right and wrong. With the prosecution hell-bent on pursuing the powerful figure, coupled with the immense political pressure that bears down, and the elusive truth just out of reach, Lee must sort out whether he can still manage to believe in the system he represents.

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